With confirmation that Relic Knights is at the warehouse and getting sorted before shipping I'm feeling glad that I got my last minute commissions finished up. First we'll start off the piece featured
previously, but now completed:
This miniature is just like my
Mei Fang crew, where the eyes are super tiny (barely more than slits). The friend I painted this for requested eyes, and so I painted some lovely eyes on her (she's watching you). I added a bit of OSL from the fire coming from her staff which turned out a little more subtle than what I was wanting, but that's ok because I'd prefer it to be more subtle than to have it be overbearing.
Up next is another go at my sweetheart, Kaeris. This one is for the same friend who gave the awesome suggestion for a sakura tree on the kimono of Kirai, and the idea for this Kaeris was just as good.
Shining wings, firey red hair, and a union jack on the back of her trenchcoat. I could easily see Kaeris in this outfit, and that made it so easy to paint! Let's take a look at how I got here:
Skin, hair, pants & shirt. Also the wings. My previous
entry I used her to test the chrome silver, and here I've gone ahead with a black ink to help get the recesses.
When I was originally asking for how she was to be painted I was told, "white or silver." I decided to take things to the next level. After the wash I added a layer of bright silver to give definition, and then highlighted it with Reaper Master Series pearl white. RMS' Pearl White is a white metallic reminiscent of their silks and satins line, and it blended beautifully with the metallic wings.
Up next is the start of the Union Jack.
So I tried to get close to a navy color without being too dark. The color I used for this one turned out a little shinier than I wanted. After some decision making I decided to give it a wash of GW's Drakenhof Nightshade to dull it up a bit while following up with some highlights.
Much better! Looking at the pic though you can definitely tell that it's a bit rougher. I went with another wash to smooth it out, and then I hand-painted the colors for the Union Jack, and was ready to call it a day. Overall I'm pleased with how she turned out. Kaeris is truly a miniature that looks good no matter how you paint her up.